Friday, August 29, 2014

Virginia Master Naturalist Conference – September 26-28

A competing conference on September 26-28, 2014

Virginia Master Naturalist Conference – September 26-28, 2014

Virginia Living Museum, Newport News, VA – This conference will include field trips, workshops, and presentations, such as a guided tour of the Dismal Swamp, a kayak trip in New Quarter Park, and a speech by Art Evans on his “Inordinate Fondness for Beetles.” 

For more information and to register, visit

Wetland Professionals (VAWP) Fall Meeting & Regulatory Update - September 26, 2014

Notice the student rate...

Va. Association of Wetland Professionals (VAWP)
20th Anniversary Fall Meeting & Annual Regulatory Update

September 26, 2014  

Airfield Conference Center, Wakefield, VA – Participants will hear from regulatory agencies, as well as a panel of some of the original VAWP members/officers.  There will be a social/happy hour event after the meeting, with cash bar and hors d’oeuvres.  

Registration fees will be $50 for VAWP members, $70 for non-members, and $30 for students.  

Please contact Tara Fisher (VAWP Program Chair) at757-382-6206 or with questions and/or to pre-register. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Scholar Site is available

I've added you all to the Scholar Site at  

I'll use the Scholar site for tracking assignments you've submitted as I also provide feedback.  I've provided suggested "Due Dates" for those who'll enjoy some extra help with pacing.  I'll also put duplicate course announcements there until everyone get's comfortable with blogging.  

Be sure to copy any feedback I provide there so you'll have access to it after the semester is over.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tasks for the upcoming week

Use this week to build the foundation for future assignments. 

  1. Identify a watershed that interests you;
  2. Experiment with (Blogspot) or an alternative;  and
  3. Try Tony Robbin's free online version of the DiSC Profile.  You do not have to enter real personal information as solicited.

    This is a tool used in some leadership or team-building programs to help individuals recognize their orientation to teamwork and tasks.  We'll discuss this together in an online meetup, but I hope you'll see it validates the roles of all team members. When sharing it with others, it often reveals interesting things about friendships and relationships (or at least discussion starters) .
While the University remains in session on Monday, September 1, I wish to respect the Labor Day holiday, particularly for those who have an opportunity to be with friends or family.  Instead of an online hangout, I'll want to connect with each of you by email, hangout or phone later in the week just to make sure you're feeling good about your work underway.

And more on Beaches

"Beaches and Bacteria" -- The Virginia Water Resources Research Center updated its popular “Beaches and Bacteria” article in January 2014.  The article describes:
  • The Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health (BEACH) Act
  • Virginia’s bacteria standards
  • The types of indicator organisms monitored at Virginia’s beaches
  • How people responsible for beach closures/advisories decide what is safe
  • The difference between a beach advisory and a beach closure
  • Microbial Source Tracking

"The Beach and Your Coastal Watershed" -- EPA published this factsheet that pertains to coastal watersheds. It is available at  and covers the following topics:
  • What Is a Beach and What Does It Do?
  • Why Can't We Use the Beach Sometimes?
  • What Is EPA Doing to Protect Beaches?
  • What Can You Do to Help Protect Beaches?


Virginia Department of Health (VDH): Beach Monitoring Program -- Bacteria levels in beach water are monitored at 46 public beaches in Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean during the swimming season (May-September). Water samples are collected weekly by Local Health Departments and analyzed by local laboratories for enterococci bacteria. If bacteria levels exceed Virginia's Water Quality Standard of 104 colony forming units (cfu)/100 mL of water, a swimming advisory is issued. 

New for 2014: Follow VDH’s Beach Monitoring Program on Twitter (@VDHBeach) to receive  notifications of the status of current swimming advisories:

·        Swimming Advisories and Monitored Beaches Map (uses Google Maps)
·        Beach Monitoring Data (by year)
·        Frequently Asked Questions: VDH-Issued Swimming Advisories
·        Local Beaches Information
·        Brochure: Safely Enjoy Virginia’s Natural Waters (Como Disfrutar de las Aguas Naturales de Virginia Sin Peligros)
·        Local Health Department Contacts for Beach Monitoring
And more.

EPA Websites
·        “Beaches” -- -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created webpages that can help you plan a trip to the beach, learn about beaches and the issues around them, and understand how EPA protects beaches. 
·        “National Coastal Condition Reports” -- -- EPA reports on the ecological and environmental conditions in U.S. coastal waters.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Upcoming seminars and webinars from Casey Trees

For those in the DC Metro area:

Casey Trees Events

Monday, August 25, 2014

River Recreation Workshop – September 17-18, 2014

For you folks down in SoVA...

River Recreation Workshop – September 17-18, 2014,   Mecklenburg County, VA 

This workshop sponsored by DCR will provide tools to advance river recreation in Virginia, including information on economic impacts, planning and design, potential partners, promotion, and resource protection. 

For more information and to register, visit or contact Jennifer Wampler, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), at 804-786-9240 or  

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Agenda for first-week online meetings (8/24 or 8/25)

  • Sunday at 7pm EDT; or
  • Monday at 7pm, EDT

We'll use a combination of two technologies at the same time:

1. Google hangout  Look for an email invitation or on G+ at or after 6:55pm

2. Voice conference call by Uber:  Call-in Number:    (585) 632-6253 • PIN: 22875


1. Introductions
2. Course Overview
3. Course Blog
4. Review of Course Assignments
5. Getting Support/Help/Answers
6. Questions

2015 Citizen Water Monitoring Grants - Due September 2 !

Imagine getting a grant for doing your coursework!

2015 Citizen Water Monitoring Grants

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting applications for this grant program. There are regular (up to $4000) and mini-grants (up to $1000) available to organizations that involve volunteer monitoring of water quality in the Commonwealth. 

The grant may be used in a variety of ways, including purchasing water quality monitoring equipment, training citizen volunteers, lab analysis costs, and promoting stream monitoring efforts in locations where DEQ is not currently collecting water quality samples. For more information, visit the Virginia DEQ Website or contact Stuart Torbeck at 804-698-4461 or

Application deadline: September 2, 2014

Engaging Communities in Watershed Restoration and Protection September 26-28

Making the Connection: Engaging Communities in Watershed Restoration and Protection 

September 26-28, 2014,  National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV 

This conference focuses on the work of preserving and restoring the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Topics to be covered include: Restoration Science & Practice, Conservation & Preservation; Planning & Regulation; Organizational Development & Fundraising; Making the Connection; Communications/Advocacy; and Citizen Engagement.  

To register, visit Hosted by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

First online meetup(s)

I'm still waiting to hear from 5 people, but some things are becoming clear:

Although my best fit is Mondays, it appears there is no consensus on the best night to hold our first or future online meetups.

So, at least for this week, I'm going to host two:
  • Sunday at 7pm EDT; and 
  • Monday at 7pm, EDT

We'll use a combination of two technologies at the same time:

1. Google hangout:   Look for an invitation in your email or on G+ at or after 6:55pm

Tutorial(s):  Search for "Google Hangout tutorial" or start here:

  • written tutorial and video:
  • video:
2. Voice conference call by Uber: 


If you can't participate in either, don't sweat.
 This course is very individualized and I will comfortably and happily work with you all one-on-one.  If I don't see you online Sunday or Monday at 7pm, I will reach out to you.  You can reach me at 571-482-8298 (GVoice - rings all six of my phones or text messaging)

Penn State Water Resources Extension Webinars - Ongoing

Penn State Water Resources Extension Webinars –12 pm on the scheduled day – To access the webinars, visit this webpage.
  • Stormwater/Green Infrastructure – August 27, 2014
  • Fertilizer Forecaster – September 24, 2014
  • Is Pennsylvania Becoming Drought Resistant? – October 29, 2014
  • Groundwater Levels, Extraction and Climate Connections in the United States, 1949-2009 – November 19, 2014
  • The Development of Sustainable Bioremediation Technologies to Solve Global Water Challenges. – December 17, 2014 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Online Meetup and Collaboration Preferences

Please complete this short form as soon as possible (also sent by email).
Your data will not be revealed to anyone but me.  - Jim

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Job Openings

PA Office Manager, The Chesapeake Bay Foundation – Deadline: August 22, 2014 – Harrisburg, PA – This individual will plan and oversee Pennsylvania State office administrative, fiscal, and office services.  For more information, visit or email To apply, send cover letter, resume, and salary history and requirements to

PA Outreach and Advocacy Manager, The Chesapeake Bay Foundation – Deadline: August 25, 2014 – Harrisburg, PA – This individual will be the lead profession in the Pennsylvania Office in envisioning, developing, and executing outreach and advocacy activities. To apply, send cover letter, resume, and salary history and requirements to For more information, visit

Urban Forester, TreeBaltimore – Closes: September 6, 2014 – Baltimore City, MD – This individual will work with volunteers and NGO partners, map and track progress, oversee nursery operations, and perform community outreach. For more information and to apply, visit the Baltimore City Website or call 410-396-6109 for the Urban Forestry Division.

Fall 2014 Internship, SustainaFest – Applications due as soon as possible, positions to be filled by the start of the Fall semester – Annapolis, MD – This individual will assist the core team in efforts to grow SustainaFest’s reach and impact. Individuals should have experience in growing social media communities, organizing events, conducting research/writing reports, strategic planning, designing cutting edge educational activities, collaborating with student groups, and crafting new ways to connect, excite, and engage others. To apply, send resume, writing sample, letter, or video

Regulatory and Compliance Engineer/Architect, College of Southern Maryland – Position is open until filled – Baltimore, Maryland, US – This is a 12-month grant funded position that will review plans and designs related to engineering or architectural work of construction, operational or industrial projects and processes in pollution control, waste remediation, resource conservation, environmental project or public health and safety to ensure regulatory compliance using engineering or architectural standards, practices, principles, and methods. For more information and to apply, visit the College of Southern Maryland website here.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Annual Environmental Virginia Symposium

Call for Presentations: 26th Annual Environment Virginia Symposium – Submissions due: October 3, 2014

Symposium: March 31-April 2, 2015 – Lexington, VA 

Submissions are excepted from business, government, academia, and non-profit organizations, as well as graduate and undergraduate students on a wide variety of environmental concerns, including climate change, ecotourism, stormwater management, sustainability, water resources, water reuse, water supply and quality, and wetlands. 
Abstracts must be submitted electronically and should contain fewer than 350 words. For more information and to submit, visit

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Campus RainWorks Challenge -- Registration deadline: October 3, 2014

Campus RainWorks Challenge  –  EPA's green infrastructure design challenge is for college and university students. Student teams, working with a faculty advisor, will submit design boards, a project narrative, and a letter of support describing a proposed green infrastructure project for a location on their campus. 

Registration opens September 2, 2014 and ends October 3, 2014. Registrants must submit their entries by December 19, 2014. Winning teams will earn a student prize of $1,000-$2,000 to be divided evenly among student team members, and a faculty prize of $2,000-$3,000 to support green infrastructure research or training. 

More information: Sponsored by EPA, American Society of Landscape Architects, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the Water Environment Federation.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Stream Restoration Conference – September 25, 2014

Stream Restoration Conference – September 25, 2014 (8am-4pm) – Woodbridge, VA 

This conference with focus on the Chesapeake Bay Program Perspective, utilizing Public Private Partnerships in Virginia, TMDL removal efficiency via stream restoration, and a field trip to two stream restoration sites in Prince William County. CEUs will be offered to all attendees. For more information and to register, visit Sponsored by Angler Environmental and the Prince William Department of Environmental Services.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Marine Education Fellowships for Teachers

Marine Education Fellowships for Teachers – Application deadline: September 15, 2014 

This fellowship brings educators into the field for 8 days of field-science education.  Accepted applicants will be invited to participate in either the Baja Marine Education Fellowship (Cataloging and studying species in the Sea of Cortez -- March 7-14, 2015March 14-21, 2015) or the Costa Rica Marine Education Fellowship (study population trends and protect leatherback turtle nests -- April 18-25, 2015). 

For more information, see