Tuesday, December 16, 2014

End-of-Course Support - Publishing

Thanks to all who are scrambling to submit work here at the end of the semester. 

But because reporting and sharing is a very big part of stewardship, it's important to me to have you share your work on your blog (or some other strategy).    Email attachments are suitable for immediate purposes, and if you need help publishing it you can make me a blog co-author. 

To add me as a co-author, 
1. Go to Blogger.com 
2. On your dashboard, look for the small "More Options" down-arrow among the options for your blog
3. Choose Settings
4. Under Permissions, choose "Add Authors"

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Citation for NSTA Protocols

I cited the NSTA protocols in the Syllabus but not on the Resources document.  If you want to cite one of the 10 NSTA protocols, you can use the following (APA format):

Carlsen, W., Trautmann, N., Krasny, M., & Cunningham, C. (2004). Watershed Dynamics, Student Edition and Teachers' Manual. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.

Kudos to Sadie for catching this!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

VT receives approval for a new Water Resources major

Water Resources Undergraduate Major at Virginia Tech Approved in late 2014 by State Council of Higher Education; Set to Begin in 2015

by araflo
In early December 2014, Virginia Tech received approval from the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) for a new undergraduate, water resources major at the university.  This followed approval by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors during its June 1-2, 2014, meetings.  The new “Water: Resources, Policy, and Management” Bachelors of Science degree will begin in 2015.
The program’s academic home will be Tech’s Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, in the College of Natural Resources and Environment.  But the major is designed to be highly interdisciplinary, with involvement and course offerings also in Tech’s colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Architecture and Urban Studies, Engineering,

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hangout this evening - 7pm

I'll be available online at 7pm EDT to talk with anyone that can join us. We'll use the same combination of two technologies as before (pick one or both): 

1. Google hangout: Look for an email invitation or on G+ at or after 6:55pm 

2. Voice conference call by Uber: Call-in Number: (585) 632-6253 • PIN: 22875