Sunday, September 14, 2014

Free Watershed Mapping Tools

You may have noticed a few new menu items on the resource list in the upper left navigation column.  They include the free watershed mapping tools below:

Watershed Mapping Tools (free)

Perusing the Watershed Delineation and Object Recognition protocols may give you ideas of the types of tools most useful for your interests or your chosen watershed.
Suggest others! For those of you that use GIS tools professionally, help me create a list of those tools, regardless of their cost.


  1. I had a couple notes on freeware I posted earlier (see link below). I use ArcGIS at work, which is the most powerful but cost prohibitive due to license renewal requirements. For just delineating a watershed, I would recommend ArcGIS Explorer 'desktop'.


  2. Thanks David, I made a comment just now on your blog. I'll be interested in what you think of the National Geo tools. WV DNR promotes this for Environmental Science teachers.
