Monday, September 29, 2014

Stormwater Management Resources

Virginia DEQ Stormwater Management Resources:
Here is an online copy of my Four Mile Run Stormwater Presentation.

Meeting Tonight (Optional) - September 29, 7pm

I'll be available online at 7pm EDT on Moday, September 29 to talk with anyone that can join 

us.  We'll use the same combination of two technologies as last time (pick one):

1. Google hangout:   Look for an email invitation or on G+ at or after 6:55pm

2. Voice conference call by Uber:  Call-in Number:    (585) 632-6253 • PIN: 22875

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Groups Threaten to Sue Dominion Power

Leaking Dominion Virginia Power Coal Ash Ponds Spur Complaint

Posted: Updated:

Monday, September 22, 2014

Land Use Characteristics and Impacts

This 20-minute overview of land use characteristics will help you understand the scope of such threats to watersheds.

Identifying and Delineating a Watershed

Here is an older video that mimics last week's online meeting,using primitive free tools:

Meeting Tonight (Optional) - September 22, 7pm

I'll be available online at 7pm EDT on Moday, September 22 to talk with anyone that can join 
us.  We'll use the same combination of two technologies as last time (pick one):

1. Google hangout:   Look for an email invitation or on G+ at or after 6:55pm

2. Voice conference call by Uber:  Call-in Number:    (585) 632-6253 • PIN: 22875

Saturday, September 20, 2014

AWRA Water Resources Conference, November 3-6 - Tyson's Corner

2014 AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference and 50th Anniversary Celebration 
 November 3-6, 2014 – Tysons Corner, VA 

This conference will focus on reflecting on the state of water resources management in the United States and answering such questions as: What was the state of water management when AWRA was formed and how have AWRA and water management evolved? What challenges and opportunities lay ahead for water management, for AWRA, and for the water resources profession? 

For more information and to register, visit the AWRA website.  Organized by American Water Resources Association (AWRA).

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Washington, D.C.: National Summit on Coast and Estuarine Restoration – November 1-4

7th National Summit on Coast and Estuarine Restoration 
November 1-4, 2014 – Washington, DC Area 

This national summit will bring together the restoration and coastal management communities for an integrated discussion to explore issues, solutions and lessons learned. 

For more information and to register, visit

Organized by Restore America’s Estuaries and The Coastal Society. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dendrology List - A Start

Here is a short list of trees that you'll probably be glad to know, wherever you live.

American Holly
American Beech
American Elm
American Sycamore
Black Cherry
Black Gum or Blackgum
Black Locust
Black Walnut
Eastern Redbud
Flowering Dogwood
Green Ash
Northern Red Oak
Red Maple
River Birch
Silver Maple
Tree of Heaven or Ailanthus
Tulip Tree (formerly Tulip Poplar)
Virginia Pine
White Mulberry
White Oak
White Pine
Willow Oak

Native Plants of NoVa

The Guide to Native Plants for Northern Virginia

The purpose of this guide is educate landscapers, gardeners, and others about plant species that are native to Northern Virginia and the benefits these plants contribute to the Northern Virginia landscape.

The guide is free and available to download online at      Print copies are available.

Meetup Tonight - September 15

I'll be available online at 7pm EDT on Moday, September 8 to talk with anyone that can join

us.  We'll use the same combination of two technologies as last time (pick one):

1. Google hangout:   Look for an email invitation or on G+ at or after 6:55pm

2. Voice conference call by Uber:  Call-in Number:    (585) 632-6253 • PIN: 22875

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Free Watershed Mapping Tools

You may have noticed a few new menu items on the resource list in the upper left navigation column.  They include the free watershed mapping tools below:

Watershed Mapping Tools (free)

Perusing the Watershed Delineation and Object Recognition protocols may give you ideas of the types of tools most useful for your interests or your chosen watershed.
Suggest others! For those of you that use GIS tools professionally, help me create a list of those tools, regardless of their cost.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Virginia Forestry and Wildlife Tours

Fall Forestry and Wildlife Field Tours - part of the Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program (VFLEP).

  • September 29-30, 2014 -- Chesapeake Bay Bus & Boat Tour -- Focuses on forestry in the Bay watershed and impacts to the Bay.
  • October 10, 2014 -- Halifax County – Focuses on agro-forestry, loblolly pine management, andexotic invasives.
  • October 30, 2014 -- Grayson-Carroll Counties – Focuses on forest management research projects on the Matthews State Forest and management options for white pines. 

For more information and to register, visit

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Meetup online on Monday 9/9/2014 at 7pm

I'll be available online at 7pm EDT on Moday, September 8 to talk with anyone that can join us.  We'll use the same combination of two technologies as last time (pick one):

1. Google hangout:   Look for an email invitation or on G+ at or after 6:55pm

2. Voice conference call by Uber:  Call-in Number:    (585) 632-6253 • PIN: 22875

I'll introduce you to some quick and easy appraoches to delineating and mapping a watershed, and I'll introduce a timeline for your assignments and explorations throughout the semester.

Then I'd like to hear updates on the following:

  • Your efforts to identify a watershed that interests you;
  • Any obstacles to your experiments with (Blogspot) or an alternative;  and
  • Your discovereis from Tony Robbin's free online version of the DiSC Profile.

    If you can't make it tomorrow, let me know when we might talk.  Of course, your more detailed email meesages have worked well these past two weeks.
  • Saturday, September 6, 2014

    Potomac Riverkeeper - Development & Membership Internship

    Development & Membership Internship

    Development & Membership Internship


    Potomac Riverkeeper is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the public’s right to clean water in our rivers and streams. We stop pollution to promote safe drinking water, protect healthy river habitats, and enhance public use and enjoyment. We envision a day where the Potomac River, and all its tributaries, is restored to a healthy and safe resource for the people, plants, and animals that depend on it. 
    Potomac Riverkeeper seeks a highly organized and effective Development & Membership Intern who is able to assist in fundraising activities including event planning and campaign research. This position reports to the Development Director. 

    Thursday, September 4, 2014

    Chesapeake Network Meeting on Pesticides - October 6

    8th Annual Chesapeake Network Meeting on Pesticides and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Project
    (This is c
    o-sponsored by Maryland Pesticide Network & Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future.)

    Pearlstone Conference & Retreat Center, Reisterstown, MD – This meeting will bring together Project stakeholders and others share cutting-edge research and monitoring data on pesticides, discuss initiatives of the Project’s four working groups and collaborate on the direction of the project. 

    To register for free, email with your name, title, & affiliation. Directions to Pearlstone:  

    Registration deadline: September 19, 2014; Event: October 6, 2014 (9:45am – 3:45pm

    Interesting Watershed Photo Contest

    NEEF Launches Algal Bloom Photo Contest

    The National Environmental Education Foundation would like help documenting algal blooms in the nation's waters. Algal blooms can occur in water bodies as small as a neighborhood pond and as big as the Gulf of Mexico. When algae grow out of control in our waters, the result can be unappealing, harmful to our health and harmful to the environment. Submit photos of algal blooms for a chance to win great prizes! For more information and official contest rules, please visit:

    Monday, September 1, 2014

    No online meetup tonight, BUT...

    Jim will be available to help with questions or curiosities, or help with supportive technologies.

    Thanks to all who've identified their watersheds and/or experimented with creating a blog.  Keep exploring and reach out to me (or classmates) if you run into an obstacle.